Our offers

To offer you the best quality at the right price


0.99 € HT/month
  • MariaDB 10.11.4
  • Debian 12
  • Unlimited disk space
  • User : 1
  • Base : 1
  • Unlimited queries
  • PhpMyAdmin access included
  • Remote access enabled
  • Remote backups 5 days
  • Delivery time : 1 minute


1 month free with every annual purchase

10.89 € HT/year

instead of 11.88 € HT €

  • MariaDB 10.11.4
  • Debian 12
  • Unlimited disk space
  • User : 1
  • Base : 1
  • Unlimited queries
  • PhpMyAdmin access included
  • Remote access enabled
  • Remote backups 5 days
  • Delivery time : 1 minute
Present, for you

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Present, for you

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About phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, designed to manage the administration of MySQL on the web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations such as managing databases, tables, columns, relationships, indexes, users, permissions, etc. can be performed through the user interface, while also allowing you to directly execute any SQL statement. To facilitate usability for a wide range of individuals, phpMyAdmin is translated into 72 languages

About phpMyAdmin

Our strength

There are only valid reasons to choose iglao

Made in France

  • Our RGPD-compliant French company offers managed services in Europe with responsive support.

Reliability and availability

  • Give your services maximum availability with our reliable, high-performance infrastructure.

Increased security

  • Protect your data and services against online threats with our advanced security measures.

Top performance

  • Enhance your users' experience with superior performance in service speed and responsiveness.

High-quality support

  • Our team is on hand to answer any questions you may have about our services.


  • Our scalable solutions adapt to your changing needs and the growth of your business.

Competitive pricing

  • Take advantage of competitive and transparent rates for unbeatable value on our services.

Continual innovation

  • We offer innovative solutions and are constantly integrating new features to meet your service needs.


  • We are committed to sustainability, with eco-responsible practices and environmentally-friendly services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions, our answers

Yes, you can definitely connect your application to our service. It will be perfect for integrating your CMS or Minecraft emulator, for example. Our database supports all programming languages (PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, NodeJS, ...)
Unfortunately, our SQL offers only allow you to manage a single database and do not provide the option to create additional users. However, if this is a requirement for you, we recommend considering our web hosting offers with Plesk, as this functionality is available on certain plans
Yes, you have phpMyAdmin access to manage your database at no extra cost
No, you can certainly use another solution implemented by your means, such as Navicat or HeidiSQL, for example
iglao accepts the following payment methods: • PayPal • Credit Card (via Stripe) • Apple Pay and Google Pay • Skrill • DediPass (payment by phone and SMS) • NeoSurf • PaySafeCard • SEPA Bank Transfer